The Muscle car and the Retroliner all ready to go
Our first destination was Dalby....only an hour or so run from our present base in Kingaroy. We headed for Dalby mainly because we opened a new property there in 2003...and we really enjoyed Dalby during our 15 months there.We made a bee line for the Myall Tourist Park, with intentsions of wandering around the town on our arrival. Decided to splurge out and get an ensuite site
Dalby Myall Tourist Park
Well after we set up and about a skillion Pure Blond Naked's (beer that is) and because of the heat we just didn't move...apart from venturing into the nearest pub for a feed.The next morning was the time to go for a walk....and agahst......what has happened to our lovely little country town we new five years ago.......they have discovered gas seams, built a power station, and opening up coal deposits....that's what happened!!!!! So along with the regions cotton, pig slaughter house, Ag colledge an a host of agricultural industries that were always there; along has come all the other energy discoveries...and sadly Dalby is now a frigg'n city. Shopping malls, trendy cafes, re born pubs...flash looking 4WD's........aaaaaa'h I'm getting to old.
Main street of Dalby
The Coffee Club has moved in
After a feed in the Coffee Club and the amandatory walk through the new mall (it is a bride thing) we walked back to the CP to ready for the trip south west through to Texas, via Leyburn
At least the famous Myall Creek hasn't changed
Because it was so damn hot and time was getting away, we didn't get to do the rounds of the motels and the operators we knew at that time, just booted up the Mopar Muscle car and on the road again.Our track took us south west through Cecil Plains and linked up to the Gore Highway at Brookstead. Now the new map Hema Australia Truckies Atlas, clearly marks we do a right hand turn along the Gore and head towards Milmerran, before turning off to Leyburn.
Being the real "Wally" I am, I turned left didn't I, and just ignored all the signs that pointed to Milmerran going the other way, and of course ended up at Pittsworth. So the screaming session between the bride & I commenced in gusto, but I couldn't win this one. So we filled up with fuel with the outside temperature around the 38 degrees mark, and headed where we should have, in the first place...towards Millmerran, with the inevitable turn off to Leyburn.
Our, well, mine intentsion was to go into Leyburn, then hook up with the Cunningham highway, Inglewood, Texas and camp over night.Now you may ask why do I want to go to Leyburn.............cause those of you who follow Rugby League, one of the greatest prop forwards to play the modern game, and Brisbane Bronco to boot....Shane Webke....has a pub there. So being the groooopie that I am, I just wanted to have a beer at his pub, and say "I have been there done that"
Well there is nothing at Leyburn....but went through the pub and got into all the memorabilla of Shane's career, hang out with some locals, got the goss on how to get to Texas, you know all the usual things. 'Been there done that"
The bride at the Bottle Hole bar
The sun was setting, stinking hot....Texas here we come. But didn't get there did we. At this stage of the trip the Mopar Muscle car wasn't handling the heat and the two ton on the back with the Retroliner. So we discovered a little caravan park called Coolmunda Dam Caravan Park, about 12 klms short of Inglewood.
Because we are really not set up to free camp yet.......the little park was as good as free camping with all the goodies, like power, amenities block, with very little other travelers. It was a magic spot.We unhitched, set up and then headed into Inglewood, around 13kms for our spot, to get a few supplies, more Pure Blonde Naked and Vino. Now Inglewood is just your typical Queensland country town.....great atmosphere.....friendly people and just a good old country town....still bloody hot though.
Coolmunda Dam Caravan Park
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