Not having the latest Camps 5, and of course not really set up to free camp (next time) the idea of going to Texas was to check out the free camps site we have heard so much about. Yep had everything I had heard about and more, but next time.
So we had a plan, once we hit Texas, across to Tenterfield down to Glen Innes, Grafton and into Coffs to see family etc......but that got squashed once we got to Tenterfield.
After battling the Great Dividing Range between Texas & Tenterfield, I had, had enough of the heat, the Muscle Car was really struggling, and had a sore arse through some much driving. So the bride said, why not go to Byron Bay, and have a week there and just "chill out." Now that's the most sensible thing I had heard for eons.
So the next stop would be Casino, and as we had done a relief job there a few years ago, I knew of one of the best parks in Oz, run by CMCA of Australia
But on the way down the range have a look what happened................
15 seconds earlier we would have had that tree on top of us
All hands on deck but couldn't move a thing
Tree wouldn't budge
During the time there on the downward side of the range, it was like a party. Of course I had to play policeman, and stop all the cars coming down the range....scary stuff, when you stand in the middle of a major highway and play traffic controller.
Anyway one of the stopped cars got sick of waiting for the SES, and seeing he had a giant bull bar decided to bulldoze the tree one self. Did the job okay and as soon as the road was clear it was like a major to continue onto casino.
We arrived in Casino, given a nice open site, showered and head into town to the RSL for dinner. Of course we were now on the NSW side of the border, and day light saving was the order of the day. Not keen about day light saving, even though we experienced DLS in our days in Sydney, 30 years ago. Casino is a neat town, a typical NSW northern rivers town.
After dinner we headed back to the park, and saw the most spectacular scene of the nightly parade of the local bat population.
Bats galore
Now this is a serious rig
Got to be a Lotto win
Okay it is off the Byron Bay
We are still waiting for Lotto
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