Monday 21 May 2012

150 - Mount Isa and Camoweel

Yep, we decided to bite the bullet, and continue with our journey. It will admit when the turn off  to the north came just after the "Curry", a little apprehension came over me......but I must stop being a sook, and continue into the unknown.

Heading into the Isa

Now a few years ago, we did a motel gig at Mt. Isa, so it was decided to go straight through, and head for Camoweal. Now we are not great lovers of Mt. Isa, to mine it is just another mining town. Also from Mt. Isa west it is all new territory for us, so let the adventure continue.

The famous smoke stack

A wonderful view of the over burden

Everything is biiiiiiig in the Isa

So we ventured forth to Camoweel.

We didn't know what to expect, so head forth we did. Now this part of the trip is all new to us, so a bit of excitement set in. Anyway the run to Camoweal was un eventful, and as we arrived in Camoweal, we then experienced our first Indigenous town. In saying that we decided to camp up behind the Post Office Hotel. They have a CP as part of the complex. The pub was spotless, the park's amenities were sensational, although the park was all wired in...mmmmmmmmm.

We had a drink at the pub, had an alfresco dinner in the park, a good nights sleep and then off again the next morning.

Guess who!

Sunset at Camoweal

All hitched up at the Post Office CP


Next post NT, so stay toooooooned

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