So with that we moved the van to another spot, reset up everything again, and readied to start work at 2pm. Wendy's role was to be a cook, and mine a general counter hand..........not to sure about that one.....but here goes another adventure.
Well to add to the adventure, our van fridge decided to give up the ghost on 240 power / and we couldn't get the gas to fire either...damn!!!!!!!! Then the air con shat itself!!!!!!!!what next!!!!!!!
Anyway after three days it was decided to move on.........won't say much more on that one.....just put that one down to an interesting experience.
Moving right along..............we headed out of the Burke @ Wills Road House, unfortunately not towards Adels Grove, but to Cloncurry. We had heard all about the shocker of a road up to Adels Grove, and after our experience with the O'Briens Creek road, just wasn't going to take the risk. But believe it or not, after we got to Cloncurry we ran into people who did the road said it as fantastic. Feeeeeerk!!!!
A'h well will leave that adventure to possibly next year.
Okay on the road again, and headed off to Cloncurry. Why Cloncurry, don't know really. Give us a bit of time to think about next the direction to take. But on the way and being a pubaholic........just love old pubs.......about 50kms out of Cloncurry we came accross the Quamby pub. Check out the photies.
Coming next Cloncurry and Winton
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