Now the CQ coal fields was nothing new to me, as during our time in Mackay 1982 to 1994, one of my many jobs was to visit the major mines to sell them what ever I was selling at the time. So nothing new out there......well so I thought.
Yep the Peak Downs Highway, which is the main drag from Mackay to these areas is still a goat track, apart from where the road had been diverted to allocate for more mines and digging. These diversions are obviously funded by the mines themselves and are super highways..............but unfortunately not for long before the new parts join up with the goat track. The Queensland Government really haven't got a clue, what's happening in the bush, yet they are reaping skilions in rail charges. A'hhhhhh politicians, don't ya just luv'em.
What I did notice is a lot more mines in the area. Twenty years ago, there were the predominant six or seven established coal mines, and a closed shop. Try to get a job in the mines was near impossible, as one had to basically be born into the industry.
So much has changed.........many more mines, lack of adequate staff.....mmmmmmmmmmmh heard it all before. Around every corner was another coal mine......blimey, and the government still can't fix one of the busiest roads in the state. Ho He, Ho Hum.
Here are some pikies heading down the highway from Cleremont to Moranbah,
For the sake of the bride saying "been there, done that", we turned off the highway to Moranbah, mainly to have a sticky beak, and get more fuel for our run into Sarina.
To me it has grown from a mining camp into a full blown city. That's progress I guess. But in mining towns everything is BIIIIIIG.
see below a drag line bucket that originally cost $200000 back in the 70's, however sold to the council for a buck as a thank you I guess.
Once out of Moranbah, again headed down the Peak Downs Highway, turning right just before Nebo and battled with another goat track till we hit the old Sarina - Marlborough road, which was up until the mid eighties the link between Rockhampton & Mackay. They used to call it the crystal highway in those days. The odd murder out along this track years ago too.
Headed down the Sarina range, and then into Goodys, where we will camp till early October before going back to work for three months in Mackay........bring on lotto!!!!!!
Stay toooooned for Goodys