We arrived in Narooma, early afternoon of Sunday 13th December 2009, and then checked into our caravan site that was allocated to us for the holiday season, while the bride does her thing.
Unfortunately being an employee of the holiday park, we are not able to park our van in one of the prime sites over looking the water..............damn!!!!!!!! We are in part of the park that all the permanents are.......mmmmmmmmmm..............however we have been sited in amongst a lot of the demountable homes, like a little village in itself. All of the residents are more mature aged than what we are, which makes for a quiet peaceful time.
We set up the RetroLiner to be here for at least a couple of months, and as the bride has given the park a committment for the holiday season, I guess we are here, no questions asked.
Like most south coast NSW towns, Narooma is a gem. Right on the coast with a gazillion beaches, and caters very much for the holiday makers, which will descend upon the town from December 26th for at least till end January and maybe through till April.
At the time of writing this we have been here five days, and the bride has worked every day since arriving. Me....well I have become a house husband...and started walking again to get rid of the flab around my guts. The weather is very up and down. Been extremely windy, with high temperatures, followed by southerly busters, with the temperature dropping 15 degrees within minutes. One minute wearing enough clothes to hide the unmentionables, then the next day full on trackies to ward off the cold.
Anyway it seems we are here for a while as today the bride got the thumbs up from her boss that she is doing a good job. I wounder if Kevin Dudd gives me the thumbs up (he he!!!!)
Here a some pikkies to date and will add more as the weeks continue.
Of course what we will do is now base ourselves at Narooma and explore the area. Every place is within easy reach, so we will take photies and tell you about our further adventures on the south coast of New South Wales.
Stay tooooooooned!!!
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