It is new years eve here at the time of writing, so I will post some pikkies or what ever soooon. So stay toooooooned!!!!!
Come along and join in the adventures, travels, fun and antics of The Retro Roamers
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
44 - Still at Narooma - 2
After we had our marathon walk it was time to go over to the lake side, as we were both hang'n out for Chis & Fips. Yeah you can't beat these coastal areas for the delicacy. So onto the lake shore to hook into the goodies.
The bride along with the seagulls having chis & fips. Bloody seagulls made sure we didn't enjoy our meal. Geeeeeezus they can whinge, fight and generally be a pain in the rear end. But that's half the fun.
Looking west from our park bench
The dancing Seagull
The RetroLiner all parked up with the relocatable homes
It is new years eve here at the time of writing, so I will post some pikkies or what ever soooon. So stay toooooooned!!!!!
It is new years eve here at the time of writing, so I will post some pikkies or what ever soooon. So stay toooooooned!!!!!
43 - Still At Narooma
We got here early to mid December 2009, and look like being here till end of January 2010. Several reasons for that, the bride has a job, someone has to support me, as I am nearly a pensioner. However the bride is really enjoying a change of environment, plus she is getting away from me a couple of hours a day, so that's a good thing.
Being on the southern NSW coast we seem to have missed a lot of the inclement weather further north, however it is always windy. May be this is the training for us, when and if we ever get to the west coast. As they say WA stands for Windy Always
Apart from Christmas and Boxing days, which were cold and wet, things are pretty good. The holiday park where we are staying at is bulging at the seems, as expected, however where we are camped down amongst the relocatable homes, you wouldn't know how the park is going. In the short term, this sits well with us, however I am getting a little towey and itchy feet.
We went for a walk the other day and find below some great pikkies.
The lake system coming in from the sea
The entrance to Narooma Harbour taken from the Southside
They call this rock "The Australia Rock". As you can see this image of OZ is amazing. Although you can't see it, Montague Island is in the back ground
This is Smugglers Cove, just south of the main beach at Narooma. Nice spot.
Heading towards the Mill Bay board walk on the north side of Narooma
Part of the lake system
Another one of my toys at anchor
The Mill Bay Board Walk
A bit of history here
Looking towards the main traffic bridge into Narooma from the board walk
The main town of Narooma from the board walk
A roped off swimming enclosure just inside the rock wall. Definately not the deserted beaches we like
A gentle swell
The southern rock wall leading into Narooma
Yours truely checking out the swell on the northern wall
A lumpy swell today
Running the gauntlet at the Narooma bar. You can see Montague Island in the back ground.
Looking west from the Pricess Highway bridge
How clear is that water
The Federation Arch, with the brides place of abode in the back ground
This is part of the brides work place
Some of the cabins in the foreground and the CP in the back ground
Being on the southern NSW coast we seem to have missed a lot of the inclement weather further north, however it is always windy. May be this is the training for us, when and if we ever get to the west coast. As they say WA stands for Windy Always
Apart from Christmas and Boxing days, which were cold and wet, things are pretty good. The holiday park where we are staying at is bulging at the seems, as expected, however where we are camped down amongst the relocatable homes, you wouldn't know how the park is going. In the short term, this sits well with us, however I am getting a little towey and itchy feet.
We went for a walk the other day and find below some great pikkies.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
42 - Bermagui (NSW South Coast)
As we are sort of tied to Narooma for who knows how long, it is a good base to venture north and south to do the touristy thing.
As we were in Bermagui just over three years ago doing a relief management contract, we really loved the area.....cold then....but still very enjoyable. So the decision was made that the first day the bride has off, was to again visit "Bermy" as the locals call it, a distance of about 35 kms, with the plan to "do lunch", and of course find a well know "deserted beach" (he he!!!)
Our dear friends Rod & Sue had told us about the new Fisherman's wharf complex, which wasn't there on our last visit. Being a rare sunny, and non windy day, it was decided to get out of Narooma early, hit the beach and then go and do lunch.
The day went to plan, and being beach junkies we landed at the beach around 11pm NSW time (just hate day light saving) and spent three glorious hours on Armands Beach, not so deserted however. Gee I wonder why all these people on this beach forgot their swim wear. Must be global warming or something !!!!!!!!! Anyway you guessed it the weather turned, as expected for this part of the coast.
Looking south along Armands Beach, Bermagui southern NSW on a very unusual windless and sunny day
The bride on surf patrol looking north at Armands Beach
The bride still on beach patrol looking south at Armands Beach
As on Que the weather turned at approximately the time we had allocated for our beach adventures. Not unusual for the south it was time to go back to Bermy and "do lunch." Of course we headed straight to the new fisherman's wharf complex and all the usual photies as below.
The new Fisherman's complex. A little stark but will blend in better, once the timber starts to weather
The bride next to a statue of me (he he!!!!)
Bermagui Harbour
Bermagui Harbour 2
The bride over looking the harbour at Bermy from the top level of the Fisherman's Complex
Take 2, the bride over looking the harbour at Bermy from the top level of the Fisherman's Complex
Sure we "did lunch" along with a few million yuppies. Typical of a new establishment, service was a little rough around the ridges, however the food was yummy. The bride had a garlic prawn Cesar salad, which was sensational. I am still enjoying the garlic that she had a day ago....phew!!!!!!
I had an oldie but a goodie, salt & pepper squid. When the meal arrived they failed to tell me when ordering, that it was a Thai dish, hence on arrival, it burned the shit out of my mouth, after the first bite. Apart from calling for the fire brigade, I doused the flames in my mouth with a gallon of water, before returning the meal. In the defence of the restaurant, they quickly changed my meal, and returned it with an Aussie version of what I had just ordered. This time no burning the mouth out and just enjoyed a good feed.
I have no doubt the complex and the associated businesses will get a good kick along during this Xmas and holiday period, however during the winter months will be a real struggle, I recon.
After our meal we headed back to Narooma, via Mystery Bay, which we will visit again in the future, I wonder if there are any deserted beaches there (he he!!)
Stay toooooned for next update!!!!!!
As we were in Bermagui just over three years ago doing a relief management contract, we really loved the area.....cold then....but still very enjoyable. So the decision was made that the first day the bride has off, was to again visit "Bermy" as the locals call it, a distance of about 35 kms, with the plan to "do lunch", and of course find a well know "deserted beach" (he he!!!)
Our dear friends Rod & Sue had told us about the new Fisherman's wharf complex, which wasn't there on our last visit. Being a rare sunny, and non windy day, it was decided to get out of Narooma early, hit the beach and then go and do lunch.
The day went to plan, and being beach junkies we landed at the beach around 11pm NSW time (just hate day light saving) and spent three glorious hours on Armands Beach, not so deserted however. Gee I wonder why all these people on this beach forgot their swim wear. Must be global warming or something !!!!!!!!! Anyway you guessed it the weather turned, as expected for this part of the coast.
As on Que the weather turned at approximately the time we had allocated for our beach adventures. Not unusual for the south it was time to go back to Bermy and "do lunch." Of course we headed straight to the new fisherman's wharf complex and all the usual photies as below.
Sure we "did lunch" along with a few million yuppies. Typical of a new establishment, service was a little rough around the ridges, however the food was yummy. The bride had a garlic prawn Cesar salad, which was sensational. I am still enjoying the garlic that she had a day ago....phew!!!!!!
I had an oldie but a goodie, salt & pepper squid. When the meal arrived they failed to tell me when ordering, that it was a Thai dish, hence on arrival, it burned the shit out of my mouth, after the first bite. Apart from calling for the fire brigade, I doused the flames in my mouth with a gallon of water, before returning the meal. In the defence of the restaurant, they quickly changed my meal, and returned it with an Aussie version of what I had just ordered. This time no burning the mouth out and just enjoyed a good feed.
I have no doubt the complex and the associated businesses will get a good kick along during this Xmas and holiday period, however during the winter months will be a real struggle, I recon.
After our meal we headed back to Narooma, via Mystery Bay, which we will visit again in the future, I wonder if there are any deserted beaches there (he he!!)
Stay toooooned for next update!!!!!!
Thursday, 17 December 2009
41 - Narooma
We arrived in Narooma, early afternoon of Sunday 13th December 2009, and then checked into our caravan site that was allocated to us for the holiday season, while the bride does her thing.
Unfortunately being an employee of the holiday park, we are not able to park our van in one of the prime sites over looking the water..............damn!!!!!!!! We are in part of the park that all the permanents are.......mmmmmmmmmm..............however we have been sited in amongst a lot of the demountable homes, like a little village in itself. All of the residents are more mature aged than what we are, which makes for a quiet peaceful time.
We set up the RetroLiner to be here for at least a couple of months, and as the bride has given the park a committment for the holiday season, I guess we are here, no questions asked.
Like most south coast NSW towns, Narooma is a gem. Right on the coast with a gazillion beaches, and caters very much for the holiday makers, which will descend upon the town from December 26th for at least till end January and maybe through till April.
At the time of writing this we have been here five days, and the bride has worked every day since arriving. Me....well I have become a house husband...and started walking again to get rid of the flab around my guts. The weather is very up and down. Been extremely windy, with high temperatures, followed by southerly busters, with the temperature dropping 15 degrees within minutes. One minute wearing enough clothes to hide the unmentionables, then the next day full on trackies to ward off the cold.
Anyway it seems we are here for a while as today the bride got the thumbs up from her boss that she is doing a good job. I wounder if Kevin Dudd gives me the thumbs up (he he!!!!)
Here a some pikkies to date and will add more as the weeks continue.
Of course what we will do is now base ourselves at Narooma and explore the area. Every place is within easy reach, so we will take photies and tell you about our further adventures on the south coast of New South Wales.
Stay tooooooooned!!!
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
40 - Moruya
We made a bee line staight to Moruya, about three hours drive from Calderwood. The drive down was fine and dandy, with the road just superb. One thing the Queensland government should take a look at NSW roads....they might learn something.
If I am loosing anybody we are heading down the south coast of NSW, passing through the major towns of Kiama, Nowra, Ulladulla, Batemans Bay, then onto Moruya.
Dual highway that passes Kiama
We just love the south coast of NSW. We were down this way three years ago when we did a relief at Bermagui, which is another hour or so from Marouya. But like all our travels down from Queensland it has been just so windy. Global warming maybe!!!!!!!
Hows this for a photie
We had made arrangements to stay with Rod & Sue, whom we have known for near on 40 years.....Krippiessssss, that makes me 60 something (he he!!!!!) A bit of history here I was Rods, groomsman when he married Susie, 1969 I think, and he was my best man when I got married the first time in 1972. Apart fom that we were a couple of surfies in Sydney from our late teens, so as you can appreciate,a lot of history here!!! Anyway Rod & Sue moved to Moruya close on 10 years ago, and have a beautiful home at Congo, just east of Moruya.
Anyway we arrived in Moruya, but we stayed our first night at the River Breezes Holiday Park at Marouya, before heading to Rod & Susies house on the Monday.
The Marouya bridge over the Marouya River
Moruya is a great little town, could settle there....but only in summer. It has a really good feel...and really reminds me of parts of the north coast, like Yamba and South West Rocks.
Anyway we settled into Rod and Susies house, and for the next six days, their hospitality was just sensational. We parked the RetroLiner next to the house and we had the down stairs quarters......just sensational. Of course for the whole time, we ate to much, drank to much, and no wonder we have both put on 10 stone each in weight!!!!
The RetroLiner beside Rod & Susies house
Rod & Susies house with the Val having a rest
The view from Rod & Susies western verandah
Rod & Susie just the most wonderful people that God put on this earth.
Sunset over the mountains from Rod & Susies verandah
A couple of free loaders
Susie feeding the free loaders
During our stay with Rod & Susie we had to finally do something about getting some work as the bank account was heading south big time, and besides that after two and a half months off, getting a bit bored.
To cut a long story short, Wendy has achieved work in a holiday park in Narooma, another 45 kms south of Maroya.......and yours truely at this stage, will be working
for Kevin Dudd.
But before leaving Moruya, we caught up with another couple of friends QD (Quentin) & 99 (Denise). They are old neighbours from moons ago, who also moved to Moruya 15 or so years ago. Great to see them as we haven't caught up for some time.
Sunday 13th December pack up and head to our new temporary home at Narooma.
If I am loosing anybody we are heading down the south coast of NSW, passing through the major towns of Kiama, Nowra, Ulladulla, Batemans Bay, then onto Moruya.
We just love the south coast of NSW. We were down this way three years ago when we did a relief at Bermagui, which is another hour or so from Marouya. But like all our travels down from Queensland it has been just so windy. Global warming maybe!!!!!!!
We had made arrangements to stay with Rod & Sue, whom we have known for near on 40 years.....Krippiessssss, that makes me 60 something (he he!!!!!) A bit of history here I was Rods, groomsman when he married Susie, 1969 I think, and he was my best man when I got married the first time in 1972. Apart fom that we were a couple of surfies in Sydney from our late teens, so as you can appreciate,a lot of history here!!! Anyway Rod & Sue moved to Moruya close on 10 years ago, and have a beautiful home at Congo, just east of Moruya.
Anyway we arrived in Moruya, but we stayed our first night at the River Breezes Holiday Park at Marouya, before heading to Rod & Susies house on the Monday.
Moruya is a great little town, could settle there....but only in summer. It has a really good feel...and really reminds me of parts of the north coast, like Yamba and South West Rocks.
Anyway we settled into Rod and Susies house, and for the next six days, their hospitality was just sensational. We parked the RetroLiner next to the house and we had the down stairs quarters......just sensational. Of course for the whole time, we ate to much, drank to much, and no wonder we have both put on 10 stone each in weight!!!!

During our stay with Rod & Susie we had to finally do something about getting some work as the bank account was heading south big time, and besides that after two and a half months off, getting a bit bored.
To cut a long story short, Wendy has achieved work in a holiday park in Narooma, another 45 kms south of Maroya.......and yours truely at this stage, will be working
for Kevin Dudd.
But before leaving Moruya, we caught up with another couple of friends QD (Quentin) & 99 (Denise). They are old neighbours from moons ago, who also moved to Moruya 15 or so years ago. Great to see them as we haven't caught up for some time.
Sunday 13th December pack up and head to our new temporary home at Narooma.
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