I could see by the body language that the bride didn’t want a bar of free camping. She has the mental attitude that we are going to get beaten, raped and pillaged. So to avoid WW3 I rang ahead to the Big 4 caravan park at Cania Gorge, and pushed onto Monto then another 27 kms out to the Gorge.
Well surprise, surprise. What a great spot. The park is huge, and as there was not a lot of people there. We had heaps of room, and with not living on top of the next camper, suited us fine. So we decided to put in three nights there.
Plenty Of room, just what I like
Lotsa open space
Our initial set up night we just veggied out as we do. Had the option to go to the camp shed where the management put on a roast evening, with bush poetry and country singing for about 15 bucks a head. Well we weren’t interested in a roast dinner after gutsing ourselves with the hamburger that fed forty people a couple of hours prior. Not really into bush poetry, nor country singing….however as we were close to the camp shed we got all the poetry and singing for nicks anyway.
Like all these organized events, it was all over and dusted by about 9pm, so with many a pure blonde naked, red wine and port under my belt we drifted into ni - night land. Bloody cold though…must have been about zero.
Next day we decided to go sight seeing and check out the local area. Cania Gorge is quite spectacular, and of course we found another dam. Didn’t know that there was so many dams in Queensland. Plus we don’t know much about the history or even why this one was built. It is only holding about 6 % of its capacity, and we were told the most it has ever held is about 15%. But the facilities around the dam, as far as picnic and rest areas, are just magic. A credit to the national park rangers. Seems a lot of local fishing clubs hang out there, as the dam is just full of fresh water fish. Being not a keen angler….well not a fisher person at all, wasn’t realty interested in fish any way. But the scenery was just magnificent.
At best Cania Gorge dam is at 12% full
A better idea of how low the dam is
The bride showing off
Part of Cania Gorge from the dam look out
The rangers look after the parks so well
After the dam highlights we went to another area where there are several walking trails. Well with the brides sciatica, and yours truly with stuffed hips, we opted for a 300 meter walk….waste of time actually…but we wanted to have a look at the creek. Well no creek was there…..dammmmmmmn. Just wanted to got for a swim (he he!!!!!)
No mangoes up there Possum
Back to the CP and had a quiet night, with the same old story, Pure Blonde naked, red wine and ports. Went and sat around a camp fire in the camp shed. Ending up talking to a forensic copper from Brisbane. Interesting to say the least.
The last night being the second State Of Origin footy, and we are preparing ourselves to go another part of the CP to have a feast of pies and peas, and then get into footy on the big screen. Was a real hooooooot!!!!!! Being dark as it is the pikkies I took were all pretty ordinary, so if you get my drift, it was freez'n cold, enjoyed the pies and pies, loved the port and of course Queensland won.
The next morning it was time to pack up and head north. Before leaving we were visited by a couple of locals.
Organised feed time
Here chooky chooky, Daddy's hungry
Any scraps for a hard done by local
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