Actually, been off the air as we travelled all of September from Brisbane to Cairns. Put off getting an aerial thingy for the lap top, but the pressure was on when arriving in Cairns, so finally we are back on line.
Once we left the gig in Brissy, we headed north to pick up our van in Hervey Bay. Yep, you guess it, after a month (August) of not a cloud in the sky; we ventured forth on September 1st, and low and behold, started raining. So our trip to HB was miserable to say the least. We stayed in the Bay for a couple of days, while we got ourselves together, and bit the bullet to head north. Well the rain just got heavier didn’t it. So with Retro Liner in tow, windscreen wipers on full bore, Yepoon here we come.
Our arrival in Yepoon was to be kind; fairly ordinary as far as weather, but wakening the next day was just superb. Been to our favorite camping spot quite a few times in the past and we thoroughly enjoy it. This time was no acception. Went for a walk on the beach the next morning, and just toured around and had a look. I have got to say Yepoon is looking very tired, needs some TLC big time.
While at our camp site we caught up with those larrikins Peter & Geraldine, who were just returning from their back adventure. A great time was had by all, especially our dress up dinner under the stars.
After a week in Yepoon, we headed north up to Sarina, to Goodies Retreat. For those of you that have done that drive from Rocky to Sarina…… hasn’t changed much….still as boring as @@@@@@@@@. Upon arrival at Goodies Retreat, and although we haven’t been there for a while, still was as beautiful as ever. Although only spending a couple of days here this time, we had a nice relaxing time, doing nothing, but on our return trip when ever that may be, sure to spend more time there this time. Met some great travelers as well, and the happy hour was good fun.
Having lived in Mackay in the early 80’s to mid 90’s…..what a cultural sock going through there again 2008. Man what a change. It is another big frigg’n city. O’h well can’t stand in the way of progress. We didn’t stop to look around, as we struck it on a Saturday morning…say no more.
We headed north to the Whitsunday’s, and again visiting Taylorwood Resort. Did the usual touro thing around Airlie, however. This is another joint that has just exploded with development. We were only there 24 hours, and was offered a job……..but not this time, needed to get to Cairns to see the kidz and grandies. Spent four days there, just chilled out, and didn’t do much.
Headed north from there and the heat was really kicking in. Passing through Townsville, (Mt. Isa by the sea) it was hot and dusty. Wind was blowing at a zillion knots, and the dust coming off the gazillion developments in the area was horrendous. But again development here is unbelievable. Always glad to see “farewell from Townsville” signs, both north and south of the city.
Our bee line was Rollingston. A great caravan park, right on the beach. A bit pricey, but we splurged out with an ensuite site. Met lotsa great folk, just traveling this fantastic land of ours, and just wandering with the wind.
One last stop before Cairns and that was Mission Beach. We always enjoy this part of the world, and although didn’t take any photies, we just again lazed around the park….and didn’t do much. Although the park was a Top Tourist park, and beautifully manicured with perfect lawns, we just found no was really was all that friendly. We have found that a bit in developed parks, that’s why we love our alternate sites.Three days saw us out and did the final leg into Cairns.
Not much has changed here since our long tour of duty between 99 and 03. Although we have been back a few times, we noticed this time that due to the credit crunch a lot of development has stopped dead. A good thing I guess as Cairns was starting to get a Gold Coast feel about it!!!!!!!! We are camped on our son’s front lawn, and yep, I have got a job driving tourists from Cairns to Port Douglas and return in an airport shuttle bus. I did this about three years ago, so all going well will continue on this path until such times as the season dries up or I get sick of it. In the meantime we are spending quality time with our son, his bride and the two gandies.
This is our son, working on the Mopar Muscle Car. He's handsom like me (he he!!!!)
In the mean time stay toooooooooooned for the next adventure of the “Retro Roamers.
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