Sunlover Retreat Recreation Room
We arrived in Hervey Bay at Sunlovers Retreat, just as the weather was starting to close in. As in previous posts we are here till end July before heading back to Brissy for a gig.
We had initial plans several months ago, to wander up the coast, say to the Whitsunday’s, then fly back to Brissy end of July. However when we weighed up the cost of fuel, then the airfares to and from the Whitsunday’s’, was just all too hard and expensive. So the better option was to stay in the Bay and just veggie out.
Hervey Bay is not new to us. Apart from being at Sunlovers Retreat, for a week last January & again at Easter, we just like the joint. Our familiarity is also enhanced by the fact we lived on Fraser Island, from ’94 till ’98, and during that time the Bay was a small coastal country town, basically Gods’ waiting room. We used to come off the island to do some shopping or just be a couple of tourists for the day. You know go to the pub, catch a movie, and of course had to feed the brides addiction of shopping. Of course while on the island, took advantage of four wheel driving and whale watching.
Of course we all move on, and after an absence of 10 years we came back in January ‘08, and man o’ man, what a culture shock! Shopping centers, development, high-rise, traffic lights, road construction, jet airport and the list goes on. Population wise it is one, of the fastest growing towns on the east coast….but still very evident of Gods’ waiting room.
Sunlovers Retreat Pool & Spa
But luckily Sunlovers Retreat being a naturist retreat, we feel we are a million miles away from the population squeeze. We also had intentions of doing the Fraser Island tours and whale watching again, but all in all, been there done that, ten years ago. Sooner save the bucks and do something different once we come back from Brissy 1st of September.
So what have we been doing.......not much really? We have taken the advantage of some early not so good weather, to stock up the RetroLiner and just do nothing. During the fine spells just soaking up the winter sun and working on the all over tan, and just recharging the batteries. From now till the end of July we will be doing much of the same, so our blog will stay a little quiet unless something exciting happens, or when we get to Brissy.
So as usual stay toooooooooned
Our camp spot
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