Well here we are!!
Like all properties we move into, there is a real steep learning curve, however as per normal we are getting policies and procedures in place, learning a new system, and of course just getting back into work mode.......for the next three months at least.
It has come at an opportune time, as the Val goes into "hospital" for a brake over haul, and hopefully find the vacuum leak that makes life super difficult, especially when applying the brakes. One can only hope that we can finally put this problem of the continual slight miss with the Val, to bed once and far all.
As I have said before on many occasions, that we lived in Mackay between 1982 & 1994. In those days, Mackay was a friendly north Queensland sugar town, with a sprinkling of coal mines. We loved living here during that time, and it was nothing to walk down the main street, and just about know everybody. We loved the casual life style, the tropics, deserted beaches, and we made some great friends.
Lets fast forward 16 years....FEEEEEEEERK!!!!!!!......what happened to my lovely little NQ sugar town.....Bloody coal mines that's what's happened. You can't call Mackay a town, it's a frigg'n city, with all big city problems. The place is huge now. No one is friendly, unfortunately it has a big city attitude.
High rise buildings......God forbid!!!!!!! Marinas, huge shopping centres, and thousands of miners and associated infrastructure. I guess it is good for the town, but try to rent something here, you won't get much change out of $500 a week.....struth!!!!!!! let alone buy a house. The traffic, like bloody Pitt Street in Sydney
The income generated by the mining industry is just out of this world, hence as I see it, most mining towns, and especially in WA huge rewards and costs comes with the territory.
Okay I have had my whinge!!!!!!
However we have already caught up with some great mates from those early days, and as soon as we get our feet on the ground we will catch up with a BBQ here at the motel. Sundays are always fairly quiet, so it will be a good opportunity to get together.
I will post some photies later.
But that's progress, so stay toooned