Hi everybody we're back.
We are currently in Cairns on our R & R. I have connected to a wireless network, so over the next couple of days, hopefully we can get up to date.
Did do an entry from Charters Towers to Undara, however lost it somehow, so I am not going to re-do-it, and will just go straight into where we are right now.
I am going to let the pikkies tell the story.
In brief we may be here till the end of the season. Yours truly is a resort guide, and the bride is working in housekeeping.
We have no TV or radio, limited internet access, (when I didn't break my modem), however mobile phone coverage outside the van is usually adequate.
We are camped in the resorts caravan park....we call it Undara Heights. It costs us nothing, and we pay $35.00 a week each for meals in the resort mess. Some meals are a bit 'howz ya muther", however breakfast is all about cereal, toast etc., and a large variety of salads for lunch. Evening meals can be as above, however, Friday nights.......fish & chips, Wednesday......BBQ, and Sunday is roast night. So three out of the seven is usually pretty good.
Working hours vary dramatically. The bride is averaging about 4 per day and yours truly on a big day, roughly eight. It is all about supply and demand. In my case there are five guides, and we all have to share the work load. We only get paid for the tours or activities, we do. That's cool......a bit like being semi retired....but still can earn an income without being on the coal face all day.
Suits us fine....although I do believe when the season really kicks in....in June, we will all be working our arse off.
SO nowlet the photos show you all about Undara. I will also do new posts about the various tours etc.
So all going well we won't be updating very often, as..as above we should be here till seasons ends October 2010.
Our camp site at Undara
The bride at our camp at Undara
The shower room off the back of the RetroLiner
A side view of the shower room
This is our front patio and view from the RetroLiner
Some of our fellow workers, doing it tough around the camp fire
My office
Me the tour guide
Me again talking about a Bottle Tree
Me again, this time talking about a Scrub Iron Wood
The Arch at the lava tubes
Some of the guests on my tour in the Arch
The roof of the Arch
Walking inside Ewamans tube
The roof of Ewamans
Going out of Ewamans tube
Heading back from Ewamans and into the ArchThat is my office.