Well after 8 weeks of our nose to the grind stone, our anticipated three week break was finally here. There was the usual delimas, "what do you want to do", said I to the bride......... "naaaa what do you want to do", said the bride to me here. We decided on a southerly trip, may be a far as Yamba on the north coast of NSW, but as the time closer to our departure date, the north coast of NSW was basically under water, and it was getting cool.
Aaaaaah lets just go north, at least it is a bit warmer. So the route was set.......Kingaroy to Caboolture, to Hervey Bay, possibly to Woodgate (just south of Budaberg), then maybe onto the town of 1770. As usual we had grand plans to travel all over the joint, if we get there that's another thing.
However in the meantime, and at the time of writing this we are again at Sunlovers Retreat at Hervey Bay, very nicely settled into our camp site, without a sole around. Just what the doctor ordered.
We left Kingaroy fully loaded again, with new editions to the RetoLiner being an innerspring matress, new sheer curtains, flat screen TV, Am/Fm radio, Engel 40lt fridge....and wait for it............... a Honda 2 KVA generator.
Where did all this fit..............well the matress replaced the foam jobbie, the flat screen TV replaced the old Analog TV, the sheer curtains relaced the old granny tattered sheers curtains, the Genny went into the mega boot of the VAL, the new Engel..(we took out the back seat in the Val, and tied it in with the existing seat belts. Just have to get an auto sparky to set up the 12 volt connection and bingo cold goodies on the run.
Our run down to Caboolture was pretty uneventful, stopping at Kilcoy, so the bride can get Tooosday nights Lotto on. Need to win something to pay for our new toys (he he!!!!!!)
Having a rest at Kilcoy
Main Street of Kilcoy
Being fairly non conformist, we tend not to spend our time at caravan parks, but frequent naturist retreats. We just love hang'n out at these places. Hardly a soul around, quiet, peaceful settings, and of what people that are around, you hardly ever see them.
Of first stop was Balkaz Retreat, a fairly new establishment off Donnybrook Road, just up the highway from when you join the Bruce Highway heading north after coming off the Dags highway.
We arrived after about two and a half hours traveling from Kingaroy....set up took some photies, had a swim, and of course the first night amanadatory BBQ and many Naked Blondes. Had three days here, caught up with a mate from Bribie, did a bit of sight seeing around Bribie (back there May 1 to catch up with Rick and Julie Rogers (www.reliefmanagers.com)
Balkaz Retreat
Left Balkaz mid morning on Friday 17th and headed for our next stop at Hervey Bay......Sunlovers Retreat. Again the run up was a easy with very little traffic, and that included the horror stretch between Cooroy and Gympie.
Arrived in brilliant sunshine....thats 5 days now....hope it lasts.
Our camp at Sunlovers Retreat
Stay tooooooned!!!!!